Realtime proppant logistics software

Propdispatch is the premier, real-time, data-driven, automated, last mile proppant logistics management software and mobile app.

  • Industry


  • Location

    Baton Rouge, LA

  • Our Service

    Website, App, Development


Our challenge was to build a solution for an industry that relied heavily on spreadsheets, text messages, emails, and phone calls. In addition many of the users were working in remote locations with limited internet access. There was not central system that stored all of the relevant information to assign and track orders, no real time access to information, and many manual processes.


The solution was to create a web application and mobile application that stored all relevant information in the cloud and locally. When there was connectivity data would be synchronized across all platforms. We integrated several data feeds that eliminated manual inputs and provided real time access to inventory data significantly saving time and automating processes.


Finding the perfect style

Just like for any of our projects we had to understand Floor as a platform and its users inside-out. More than ever we looked at finding the right approach and tone of voice that would make users at ease yet not feel like patients.

Colors & Tipography

Real Estate industry that arms consumers with all the tools needed to complete








Font Family

  • Thin
  • Light
  • Regular
  • Medium
  • Bold
  • Black

Concept & Exploration

Real Estate industry that arms consumers with all the tools needed to complete


Design Result

Appealing User Interface elements

We were challenged to wrap the somewhat complex concepts and user actions of the existing Teambrella web app into an appealing mobile User Interface. Lucky for us that’s what we love doing most.

We created a consistent library of User Interface elements that looked iOS-like yet were custom designed. On top that the elements could be easily translated to Android counterparts.

Appealing User Interface elements

Appealing User Interface elements

We were challenged to wrap the somewhat complex concepts and user actions of the existing Teambrella web app into an appealing mobile User Interface. Lucky for us that’s what we love doing most.

We created a consistent library of User Interface elements that looked iOS-like yet were custom designed. On top that the elements could be easily translated to Android counterparts.

Mobile Slider
Mobile Slider
Mobile Slider
Mobile Slider
Mobile Slider
Mobile Slider