7 Best Backend Framework in 2022

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Feb 2, 2021


7 best backend framework in 2022

Laying down a strong foundation for your building is essential for it to hold on. Similarly choosing the best backend Framework for your web application development is very essential for it to run seamlessly. Be it back-end or front-end.

With the advancement in the tech world. Everything is evolving. New technologies are taking over the old ones. Tons of Frameworks have been introduced lately. Choosing the best one can be quite a deal but we are here to help!

Developers choose from a variety of frameworks in the market. Every framework has its own pros and cons. Every developer tries to make the execution user-friendly and adaptable. So it is sustainable with the advancement in technology.


backend vs frontend

Let’s have a brief intro before we dive into the topic. There are two types of frameworks. Backend frameworks and frontend frameworks. Backend frameworks build the server side of applications. Whereas frontend frameworks develop the client side of applications.

BACKEND DEVELOPMENT: backend development deals with the server-side web application. It develops what is not visible but is the skeleton of the application. Backend developers need to have a hold on programming languages like PHP, RUBY, JAVA, etc.

Backend development deals with the system that runs at the BACK END. The data is stored. The data security. The traffic the site can handle. The errors and bugs that should be checked. How are new features to be integrated? The site functionality and so on.

FRONT END DEVELOPMENT: Front-end development deals with the visual side or client-side of the application. The programming languages used can be HTML, CSS, etc. It takes care of the appearance of the application.

The theme, the style, design, presentation, etc.


laravel framework

One of the most popular PHP-based back-end frameworks. It is a model view controller framework. Due to its intuitive interface, API support out of the box, and the capability to accommodate large teams, it is considered one of the best backend frameworks for backend development.

It has an efficient system and supplies database repositioning. The main purpose of this framework is to create the upgrading seamless. it is preferred by developers due to its, adaptability and versatility.

It is mostly preferred by beginners as it provides a very strong base for development. Its efficiency and functionality are increased due to its modern kit. Mastercard, Kong are some famous companies that use Laravel.


  • template engine
  • Good security
  • MVC based
  • Fast routing system
  • Highly scalable and high performance


  • Compare to other frameworks inbuilt support is less
  • Compared to others loading a full page might seem heavy on the application
  • Upgrading to a new version from an old one might be an issue and can lead to a fault



Django is a high-level framework. It uses python and is suitable for bigger applications. If you are planning to build bigger applications then this is your go-to back-end framework. However, if you want to begin with something minor then this might not be your preference.

Complex websites are built using this, following template view architecture. Which is an easier method for complex websites development.

Everything in Django is integrated, you don’t need a third party. All that a developer might need is provided out of the box. Its techniques help the developers build a secure website. So no security issue.

Famous platforms like youtube, Instagram, and Google use this framework for their development.


  • Good security
  • The best option for the big applications.
  • Fast development process. less time is required.
  • ‘batteries included’ feature
  • authentication secured


  • Django can not usually handle multiple requests.
  • It is best for large applications
  • Developers might not have professional knowledge of python compared to other languages. which might come as a setback



Ruby on Rails

Ruby on rails a server-side framework that uses ruby programming language. It is quite suitable for young or newbee developers. Use of Design patterns like DRY (DON’T REPEAT YOURSELF), MVC (MODEL VIEW CONTROLLER) are encouraged by Ruby.

It offers similar philosophy and design as Django. Ruby has a very supportive community. You can easily find its tutorials, and resources that will help you become a ruby expert.

It offers back end developers a comfortable coding environment. It is one of the best back-end frameworks with built in security features.

From development to testing to the final execution every step of development is seamless. Whereas many other frameworks available in the market can be pretty complex and time-consuming.

Renown websites like Shopify, soundcloud, GitHub uses Ruby.


  • You can easily build small projects and scale them to bigger ones later
  • Huge library of plugins available
  • Supporting and massive community of developers


  • Some effort is required to run and deploy in the production market



Express is one of the best backend framework. It is a popular and fast Node.js web application framework, minimalist to build web applications and APIs. For web development on Node.js it is known to be one of the most trendy and go to framework.

Without obscuring Node.js features. It provides a thin layer of required web application features. Moreover with the help of many HTTP utility methods and middleware available,it is easy to create a vigorous API.


Express has one of the most widely used programming languages. Most of the the developers rely on it. You won’t have to climb extra miles for this one.

Node.js provides quality performance and execution. It uses V8 JavaScript engine from google. It helps in javascript based code into machine code. And makes the code implementation effectively.

Provides a very effective debugging system. Identifying bugs is very important to save from later hustle. Therefore developers need to identify bugs early so that it do not alter the project functionality.

Great routing API.



CakePHP is php based, one of the best backend framework. It was introduced in 2005. Since then it has progressed a lot. And today is considered as one of the  modern php framework. That allows the developers to develop quickly.It used MVC architecture.

Cake php uses renown software design, convection over configuration, data mapping, active record etc. It does not have a complex configuration and is suitable for both big and small web applications.

CakePHP offers extendibility. Without growing libraries users can use many features like pug ins, components etc. As it has many plug ins and many others features and tools for the convenience of developers. Moreover it also also allows developers to build reusable codes.

 CakePHP also offers its users CRUD functionality. This makes the developers job easy. They can create, view, update and edit things within application. Similarly this makes the development process easy and hustle free. You can view and edit any time. Along with that Cake php makes managing data easy.


  • It comes with Easy configuration rather than being complex and hectic
  • ‘batteries included’ feature
  • Database interactions with integrated CRUD
  • friendly Community
  •  flexible Licensing
  • uses MVC architecture
  • various PHP version compatibility
  • ORM(OBJECT RELATIONAL MAPPING) features makes database operations easy.



Flask is a Python-based one of the best backend framework. It does not need any explicit libraries or tools, so is known as a micro web framework. Moreover it is also more preferable for small scale web applications.

Usually no third party involvement is needed in this framework for database abstraction layer or form validation etc.

Moreover flask do provide extensive documentation. Having a grip on Flask is not very difficult. As it is easy for the developers to understand because of its simplicity. Moreover Developers that are expert in python can easily get hold of this backend framework.

Flask offers easy configuration. developers can easily update without any complexity with the change in need and requirements.

However, Flask micro-framework is a lightweight framework. Unlike many other renown frameworks in the market. With its uni-code feature, it makes the entire development process easy. Flask promises its users quality performance. As there are less abstraction level between database, cache, and the consumers.

Moreover the modular nature of this framework, allows the users to build various flask applications. It also offers efficiency and test-ability feature.


  • Lightweight than Django
  • High flexibility
  • Python-based backend framework
  • Great documentation
  • Suitable for smaller web application development
  • It utilises Jinja2 templates
  • Unicode backend framework


phoenix framework

Phoenix is a backend framework. That is based on elixir language. It works with Erlang’s virtual machine. And uses MVC pattern.It offers functional, scalable and high end web application development.

Through WebSockets, it facilitates real time external client communication. And also offers request/responce feature by Cowboy server.

Elixir facilitate great managing application resources. Along with high reliability and speed of development. Elixir has high fault tolerance. Both inside an outside an application.

For the management of cache layers phoenix users won’t have to look for 3rd party tools. Integration of Real time systems, and ready made scaling is done through Erlang VM feature.

Phoenix use MVC architecture. It speed up the process of development to the process of final execution.



Every framework has its own extent of complexity and simplicity. Whether selecting the best backend framework or some other feature for your development process. You would always want to grab something that can be quickly adapted.

Similarly while choosing a framework for your web application, the best choice would be to select a framework with the programming language you have worked with before. Or the one you are more familiar with or is easy to learn.


 If you are new to the development world. It is better for you to go for a back-end framework with a large and supportive community. That is because if you ever get stuck you can look for some advice or tips in the community.


Some frameworks allow a wide and flexible range of libraries and some don’t. So it’s better to opt for the more flexible one.

SECURITY: The framework you choose should have security features. Which will ensure regular security from attacks. In any case, your application should be secured and protected.


There are a bunch of best backend frameworks in the market. Your selection depends on your project and requirements. Hope with our word and advice we helped you in cutting the process shorter. You can still contact us for more consultation at NOVATEUS