
Tag: washington D.C

Join Go To Team Behind the Scenes in our New Podcast!

Lights, Camera, Podcast! Go To Team is excited to introduced our new podcast series “Behind the Scenes with GTT”. This series explores all things media production including interviews with our camera crews, producers, exciting clients and much more!  It’s got everything you need to know about video production. Check in with us every couple weeks […]

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DC Crew Faces Hurricane Joaquin With The Weather Channel

While most South Carolina resident’s sought out shelter and high ground when Hurricane Joaquin hit in early October, our D.C. crew threw on their rain gear, grabbed their cameras and went out to face the rain. Our crew hit the streets of Charlotte, NC for The Weather Channel with Paul Goodloe as the on-air talent. […]

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DC Crew: Keepin’ it reel

Normally, these posts begin with your ambiguous traveling tag line, “I packed up my *insert expensive piece of equipment* and hit the road to *insert exotic location*”.  Well, I’ve been everywhere, man…on the east coast.  Or at least it feels like it.  Boston to Orlando and everything in between.  The past 3 months, GTTDC has […]

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Nashville Crew Spends the Weekend with Phi Sigma Sigma in D.C.

With an HVX 200 in hand I headed up to Washington D.C. for the Phi Sigma Sigma National Leadership Conference.  It’s not everyday I’m working with sorority girls so I figured this will be interesting.  I spent the majority of my time shooting interviews.  I think we ended up shooting about 40 interviews by the […]

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