
Tag: unsung

Charlotte Shoots Unsung in Memphis

Unsung popped up on the calendar so GTT apprentice Jeremy Porter grabbed our “party gels” and hit the road for Memphis to shoot the story on Wilson Pickett. We were slated to shoot for 2 days between Memphis and Louisville with various members of the Pickett family as they related to the story. We were […]

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Unsung in Atlanta

Unsung is always shooting in Atlanta, naturally yours truly was on the job. I stopped by UPS and got the tube that they ship the background in and went downtown to the Sheraton where we almost always shoot the show.  This time, we were in a ball room instead of a basement room – food […]

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GTT New York: The Revolution WILL Be Televised

I recently had the chance to shoot the NYC end of an episode of Unsung profiling music legend Gil Scott Heron. Gil is famous for many of his songs but one of his greatest is “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”. In addition to music, Gil was heavily involved in the Civil Right moment and […]

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GTT’s Atlanta Crew shoots for Unsung

Shooting for Unsung in Atlanta seems to be something I do quite often.  As I usually do, I got the backdrop they sent in the mail and hung it up.  I lit it with my party gel pack and some cookie cutters and made it look beautiful.  The challenge for this shoot in particular was […]

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Unsung is back in Atlanta covering “The Manhattans”

Today I got to shoot for the show “Unsung”. I got to stay right here in the ol’ ATL and kept the miles to a minimum. I always like shooting Unsung because of all the colorful characters and stories that you run into along the way. We were shooting today for an episode on “The […]

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Nashville Crew Works With Hip-Hop Group, Arrested Development

It seemed appropriate for me to make the drive from Nashville to Atlanta for an “Unsung” shoot with 90’s hip-hop group, Arrested Development, considering one of their biggest hits was “Tennessee.”  Armed with a HDX 900 and Z1U I headed to ATL for three days of shooting interviews. I was really excited to be shooting […]

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