
Tag: Today Show

Orlando crew covers Crist with NBC in Florida

Recently the governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, announced he will be running for senate with no party affiliation in St. Petersburg. With such a big announcement at hand, Orlando based crew Dan Lowrey made the trip down to Tampa to cover the press event. Lowrey started off his day going live for The Today Show […]

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Charleston Cameraman returns to the Gulf Coast for NBC News Coverage of the Oil Spill

Go To Team’s Dave Baker was on his way home from a shoot in Charleston, SC when  NBC called needing a Director of Photography  in New Orleans in twelve hours.  After a turbocharged pass through the house, Dave drove 781 miles and reached his destination by 5:00am.  Just in time to break out Go To […]

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From the backlot of Orlando’s Universal Studios, tour of Hogsmeade Village on Today Show

Showcasing Zonko's Joke Shop, and Honeydukes, the Today Show crew enjoyed, not only a taste of the Wizarding World, but also managed to find time to sample a few Bertie Bots Every Flavour Beans - careful to pick around the vomit and grass flavoured candies!

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Orlando’s DP, Beckmann Gets it Done for NBC News

For DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann, shooting interviews for the Today Show is a pretty simple assignment. As a former staff cameraman for NBC News, Dan has lit, edited, shot, and been shot at, all over the world. So you'd think a simple assignment such as a one-man-band interview at a hotel would be as easy spelling N.B.C. N.e.w.s.

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Orlando Video Crew shoots Harry Potter Contest live for the Today Show

Shooting in HD on the Panasonic HVX 900, Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann, spent the morning "going live" with NBC's The Today Show. Shooting live bumps, and teases of the iconic Hogwarts castle, Beckmann helped announce a new contest tie-in with The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort.

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Raleigh Crew Shoots Exclusive on John Edwards for Today Show

Go To Team's Raleigh Cameraman Jimmy Hall and NBC's investigative team have been hard at work the last several months on the Andrew Young/John Edwards compromise, a national story that has been unraveling in his own backyard.

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The Bangles, Beckmann, and PINKTOBER

Go To Team's Orlando crew: DP Dan Beckmann - Cameraman Dan Lowrey - and Executive Producer Sue Stauffer, helped launch the worldwide "PINKTOBER" campaign at Velvet Sessions at the Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Studios Resort.

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Go To Team Flies with Stephen Hawking in Zero G

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy It wasn’t quite like a trip to moon, but for a lifetime of confinement for Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, it was a chance to fly -literally – away from his wheelchair. For […]

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Orlando Crew goes live on NBC News with Casey Anthony Coverage

Dan Beckmann, Go To Team’s Orlando Director of Photography, helped out NBC News with their continuing coverage of the Casey Anthony story. Along with Miami-based correspondent, Kerry Sanders, Dan spent 2 days going live for MSNBC and the Today Show. While the story of Casey Anthony has garnered world-wide attention, Go To Team has been […]

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Go To Team Cameraman at the launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis

Dan Beckmann, Go To Team’s Orlando Director of Photography, was on location for NBC News’ coverage of the launch of the space shuttle Atlantis.  This was the 126th flight of the space shuttle fleet, the 30th flight for Atlantis, and the last to the Hubble Space Telescope. Covering the launch live, with NBC News correspondent, […]

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