
Tag: Switzerland

LA Crew Travels to FIFA’s World Center in Switzerland

  FOX Sports has one of their biggest soccer interviews of the year and who do they call? Go To Team that is! LA Based crew Dan Lowrey hopped on a plane to Zurich, Switzerland to interview the President of FIFA, Sepp Bladder. With rare opportunity to interview President Bladder, Lowrey had three Varicams on […]

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Orlando DP Hits 5 Countries And 40,000 Miles for 2011

  Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann, has been Globe Trotting for nearly twenty years for a variety of news and entertainment organizations. 2011 was no exception. From Alaska to Italy, Dan clocked 40,000 miles and traveled to 5 countries. Shooting in HD and writing for major newspapers and television outlets, Beckmann captured a front-row seat to […]

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