
Tag: Sony F3

Charleston Crew Gets Schooled at NSCW Event

National School Choice Week (NSCW), an event held annually in January, raises awareness on different education options for children all over the country. These options range from traditional public schools, to online learning and homeschooling. On January 27th, we worked with School Choice and Assignment Desk at the NSCW event in Columbia, SC. We shot […]

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Atlanta and Charlotte Crews Get Sacked by Justin Houston

Our hero takes slider shots with the enlisted aid of an excited on-looker. This time on “The Jeff Blog”, we follow our hero to a football field with the help of his trusty co-worker Ryan Dumville. They began a quest to create a short feature on football sack king for the Kansas City Chiefs, Justin Houston. The […]

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Atlanta Crew Shoots for Trey Songz Documentary

It’s good to be back. I’ve been away getting married and all (hold the applause, just kidding – you can congratulate me) and was getting the itch to get out and start shooting again. My first assignment back was filming an interview for Fuse with Grammy winning producer/writer/mentor Troy Taylor for a Trey Songz documentary. We […]

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Chicago Crew Goes Big in Columbus for the B1G Ten

Ohio State University has been doing some great stuff lately in Columbus. Whether it be their world famous marching band parodying famous television icons, the football team finally getting back in action, or some of the awesome programs taking place on the their campus. I headed down to Columbus to get the scoop for myself. I […]

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Atlanta Shoots behind the scenes for MTV

It’s always cool to go behind the scenes on TV shows and see how sets and everything are set up. Usually it’s just a big warehouse filled with giant wooden boxes made out of 2×4 and plywood. The funny thing is, when you walk inside them, they contain the set.  Houses, garages, offices – anything […]

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Houston Video Crew Lifts Off At Space Center For ESPN Spelling Bee

Shooting this piece was a blast! We got a free lesson in rocket science as spelling bee genius Syamantak Payra guided us on a tour of Space Center Houston. First we visited Mission Control where NASA monitors our current trips to Mars and dates back to our first trip to the moon. It’s only open […]

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Nashville Crew in Panther Territory for NFL Network

GTT’s Nashville Crew ventured into Panther territory in Charlotte, North Carolina. The shoot, for NFL Network, saw DP Craig G. shooting interviews with various Panther players in the studio at Bank of America Stadium. The Sony PMW-F3 camera was used, along with a Canon 30–105mm PL lens.

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The Return of Jay & Silent Bob or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Shoot Kevin Smith

GTT’s Nashville Crew recently traveled to LA to shoot none other than Kevin Smith & Jason Mewes, AKA Jay & Silent Bob! The NFL Network shoot paired up DP Craig G. and apprentice Matt Rossetti in the famed director’s Hollywood home. The crew shot on Sony’s PMW-F3 camera (with a Canon PL lens) as the […]

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Dallas Crew Heads to Moore, OK for Fox Sports One

Fox Sports One!  Yes!  I was so pumped to be shooting for them.  The launch of this entirely new sports network is pretty exciting.  I’ve always liked working for Fox Sports so I figured this would be no different.  I was right, it wasn’t.  Armed with a Sony F3 and some super sick Arri Ultra […]

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Atlanta Goes to Perry, Ga. for SPEED

I got to go on down to Perry, GA to shoot a feature for our friends at SPEED. I shot part of a feature with Adam Regan, the brother of David Regan the NASCAR driver. Adam has Down Syndrome, so the story was about the challenges he and, brother David have faced growing up together […]

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