
Tag: Panasonic HDX 900

Raleigh Video Crew vacinates the HDX-900 @ Pfizer Plant

Raleigh Cameraman Jimmy Hall spent a couple of days shooting HD on the Panasonic HDX 900 @ the Pfizer plant in Sanford NC. The project was to help inform the public about the safety and care that is put into manufacturing the vaccines that are produced on the Sanford campus, specifically Pfizer’s pediatric vaccine Prevnar […]

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GTT goes on “The Radar” with Exclusive Casey Anthony story

In an Exclusive Video Interview, former inmate, Teri Thomas, told RadarOnline.com, her first-hand account of Casey Anthony’s life behind bars. Orlando’s GTT crew (using the Panasonic HDX 900 camera) was on hand to hear Thomas recount the never-before-heard details of her conversations and observations of the accused murderer. Thomas, who was serving a 30-day sentence […]

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