
Tag: Nikon

Chicago Crew, Ryan Ricker, shoots back to back with Chicago Bears & Cleveland Browns

  I had my first local shoot at the Chicago Bears training camp for a :30 PSA that will air on NFL Network. For this shoot I got to roll out the big guns and shoot on the Sony PMW F3 fitted with Nikon primes. I had the F3 set on a doorway dolly and […]

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Go To Team Goes Orange With Tennessee Football

Go To Team’s Skip Clark spent much of the 2009 college football season in Knoxville, Tennessee, with the UT Volunteers.  A pretty easy gig for a guy who loves football!  The University Of Tennessee brought Skip on to gather footage throughout their season that would be used for marketing and PR campaigns as well as […]

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Clark Crew Covers The MLB Post Season – Day Seven

Mixed media.  That’s what it’s been about on the MLB post season!  Skip Clark and Dan Lowrey, have been following the American League Championship Series for Fox Sports since last week and they’ve had their hands full with formats!  The primary camera for the shoot is Skip’s Panasonic Varicam and he’s been shooting billboard shots […]

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Clark Crew Goes Old School… Charlotte Director of Photography shoots film for Fox Sports NASCAR.

Everyone is talking about 1080i, 720p, 24fps, P2, DVCPro HD, HDCam, AVC, SD Cards, Compact Flash Cards, Solid State, Hard Drives, and everything else! But what about just good-old-fashioned film?!

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