
Tag: John Edwards

Baker Crew steps in to cover Edwards Trial for NBC News

Charleston DP Dave Baker recently stopped by Greensboro NC to lend a hand to NBC News and fellow GTT shooter Jimmy Hall for coverage of the John Edwards trial. Long periods of waiting were punctuated by high speed hustles to catch Edwards entering and leaving the Federal Courthouse. Footage was captured from the Panasonic HDX900 […]

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Nashville Crew Covers John Edwards Indictment with Fox News

  With the John Edwards indictment looming, I headed to Raleigh, NC to do live shots with Fox News correspondent, John Roberts.  I was shooting with the HDX-900.  By the time I was all set up outside the district courthouse, rumors were flying that the indictment was actually happening in Winston-Salem!  We knocked off a […]

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Orlando’s DP, Beckmann Gets it Done for NBC News

For DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann, shooting interviews for the Today Show is a pretty simple assignment. As a former staff cameraman for NBC News, Dan has lit, edited, shot, and been shot at, all over the world. So you'd think a simple assignment such as a one-man-band interview at a hotel would be as easy spelling N.B.C. N.e.w.s.

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Raleigh Crew Shoots Exclusive on John Edwards for Today Show

Go To Team's Raleigh Cameraman Jimmy Hall and NBC's investigative team have been hard at work the last several months on the Andrew Young/John Edwards compromise, a national story that has been unraveling in his own backyard.

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GTT Frontline on the Big Story

Is there anything more exciting than getting THE CALL to do an exclusive interview with a national figure? Last week Go To Team got that call. Our Raleigh and Charleston ENG crews (Tom Wells, Jimmy Hall, and Ian McCullen) shot the exclusive interview for ABC News’ Nightline with ex-presidential candidate John Edwards. The interview went […]

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