
Tag: EFP

Sea Safaris

Video Clip All of the underwater footage on this finished piece for Sea Safaris Charters, based in Miami, was shot on location in the Bahamas by our video crew. Go To Team utilized the digital underwater housing and DV Camera to capture breath taking views of what vacationers aboard a Sea Safaris Charter can expect.

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Children’s Chance

Video Clip Children’s Chance is a terrific organization in Columbia, SC. There goal is to provide assistance to cancer patients and thier families. They hired Go To Team to produce thier promotional video. The interviews and b-roll were shot in Columbia. Go To Team then produced and edited the project in our non-linear edit suite […]

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Makeover Story

Video Clip Makeover Story travels throughout the US finding participants in need of fashion expertise. Our crews have shot several Wedding Stories and Makeover Stories. This episode follows two friends that are returning to teaching and need a new look for their first day.

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