
Tag: Atlanta DP

Go To Team Atlanta Crew | CNBC: Squawk Box

There’s one thing we can agree on lately, and that is the Coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the stock markets. If you ever need a rundown on what’s going on in the world to get a better grasp on the markets, you’ll want to check out this show on CNBC. Squawk Box airs before the […]

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Go To Team Atlanta Crew | CNN: Bert’s Big Adventure

Disney World: where all dreams come true! Bert’s Big Adventure is a non-profit organization that was started by Bert Weiss of WWWQ-FM in Atlanta, Georgia. Since 2002, they have provided a magical, all-expenses paid, five-day trip to Walt Disney World for children with chronic and terminal illnesses and their families. This year, CNN brought in […]

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Go To Team Atlanta Crew | E! News | Tyler Perry

Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Samuel L. Jackson, oh my! These legendary stars along with many many other A-listers all came together this past Sunday to celebrate American history being made. And what are they celebrating exactly? Tyler Perry, acclaimed actor, filmmaker, playwright and comedian, has opened one of the largest movie studios in the U.S. […]

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Go To Team Atlanta Crew | MLS | Decision Day

It is almost time for the MLS 2019 playoffs… which means it is time for Decision Day! This past Sunday was Decision Day across the MLS, where there were twelve games played simultaneously with playoff implications on the line in the final regular-season game of 2019. The players pulled out all the stops on this […]

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Go To Team Atlanta Crew | TBS | NLDS Series

It’s officially October and you know what that means? Fastballs get faster and it’s only the best of the best left on the field. It’s time for MLB playoffs! Summer is over and so is the leisure of MLB players having 160 + games to improve their game. It’s all or nothing for these teams […]

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Go To Team Atlanta Crew | CNBC | Housing Market

 Is it a buyer’s market, or seller’s market? What are people looking for in an investment property and what kind of offers are being made on houses today? These days, there are a lot of questions swirling around the housing market and people want answers. Who better to get these answers from than from a […]

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Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Heroes and Survivors – Adair

A Storm Survivor’s Story Last hurricane season was a busy time for storm chasers, and even more dangerous with the likes of Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael. None are more familiar with mother nature’s strength then storm chaser, Brett Adair whose vehicle was caught by the storm surge of Hurricane Michael and was sent floating […]

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Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Fair Count Campaign

If you think studying populations is easy, you need to come to your (census) Former Georgia Representative Stacey Abrams recently spoke at a Fair Count Campaign conference. This conference aims to raise awareness for the 2020 census and the importance of accurately reporting previously undercounted communities. MSNBC worked with Go To Team’s Atlanta DP Nate […]

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Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Women Presidents’ Organization

One in five firms in the United States with a revenue of $1 million or more is owned by women. With organizations like this, that percentage is rising. Prudential worked with Go To Team’s Atlanta cameraman, Nate Silverman, to capture the annual WPO (Women Presidents’ Organization) in Charlotte. The WPO is a non-profit membership organization […]

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Go To Team Atlanta Crew | American Securities

The leading U.S. private equity firm, American Securities, held their annual retreat last week for business partners in Sea Island, Georgia. While they were all together, American Securities sat down with some of the CEOs of these businesses to hear the impact American Securities has had on their growth and Go To Team’s Atlanta DP, […]

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