
Tag: 720p

Anatomy Of A Hurricane Video Shoot by Orlando Crew’s Dan Beckmann

It’s been a light year as far as storms are concerned.  However, since we’re smack-dab in the middle of hurricane season, I thought this might be a good time to give a brief overview on what to expect when covering a hurricane: For the past 15 years, I’ve covered almost every major storm for NBC […]

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Covering Hurricane Irene for NBC with Kerry Sanders

Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann has been covering hurricanes for NBC News since the late 90’s.  And he’s teamed up with NBC Correspondent, Kerry Sanders for almost every one of them. This year, as Hurricane Irene approached the North Carolina coast, Beckmann and Sanders teamed up again.  More rain, more wind, more lost electricity, and this […]

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Go To Team Orlando Is Front Row For Casey Anthony

Barely a decade into the new millennia, the Casey Anthony saga has already been called the Trial of the Century.  Touted as the biggest “social media” judicial proceeding ever, the story lived up to the hype. TV Networks from around the world descended upon Orlando, Florida, covering every inch of the trial.  As is normally the […]

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Orlando DP Captures Disney Cruise Lines “Wonder” In Alaska

For 10 days Orlando DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann helped Disney Cruise Lines capture amazing new adventures aboard the Disney Wonder. The newest voyage of the Wonder?  Alaska! With the versatile Panasonic HDX 900, Beckmann was able to shoot in 24p at 720, and 60 frames at 1080i – capturing elements with various looks for marketing, advertising, and […]

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Orlando DP Goes Live with Turner Sports For NASCAR Media Day

Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann spent a few days with NASCAR.com for NASCAR Media Day in Daytona Beach, Florida. Shooting on the Panasonic VariCam and the EX3, Beckmann coordinated three different rooms for TNT Sports: A green screen interview room for promos – a two-camera/five person interview location with former Dale Earnhardt Crew Chief, Larry McReynolds, […]

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Go To Team Teams up with Dream Factory Productions to Produce Cars For The Cure

Video Clip Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann teamed up with Dream Factory Productions to shoot and produced a commercial for the 2011 edition of “Cars for the Cure” – a charity event featuring a show of unique cars to benefit the American Lung Association in the Greater Orlando area and throughout Central Florida. Shooting in High […]

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Power Gen Powers into Orlando Florida

POWER-GEN International, the industry leader in providing comprehensive coverage of trends, technologies and issues facing the generation sector, made its way to Orlando, Florida – and Go To Team was there for a front-row seat! Capturing interviews and b-roll with the HVX 200, Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann, and audio operator Mike Rothwell played around with […]

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GTT’s Jimmy Hall and Foster Productions Collaborate in Philadelphia for Internal Corporate Piece

Road trip just north of Philadelphia…stuff the duffle…kiss the wife, hug the dog…wheels up @ noon…429 miles. Working again with Jennifer Foster a.k.a Foster Productions…our last gig together was in Washington DC for a couple of weeks back in August…unfortunately that’s all I can disclose…TOP SECRET stuff. However, this production was not TOP SECRET it […]

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Orlando Crew Helps NBC With Exclusive On Casey Anthony

Hard to believe the story of Casey Anthony has been going on for nearly two years!  And Go To Team has been there to help NBC News cover every angle! From the Today Show to Dateline, to MSNBC – Go To Team has had a front-row seat with each twist and turn of the story. […]

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Grand Opening The Wizarding World of Harry Potter with Stars including Daniel Radcliffe & J.K. Rowling in Orlando

Potter Mania has finally come to Orlando, Florida! For nearly three years, Go To Team’s Orlando-based DP/Partner Dan Beckmann, has been working with Universal Orlando Resort on the opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. From documentation of the initial construction, to behind the scenes with the stars of the films, Orlando’s Go To […]

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