
Go To Team Cleveland Cameraman | Rock N Roll Idols We Lost – Somethin’ Else

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Rock N Roll is such an integral part of our culture. From Elvis to John Lennon to Chuck Berry, these few rock n roll idols have transformed our culture and inspired contemporary rock musicians in our era. Paying tribute to the rock n roll legends we lost, Somethin’ Else selected Go To Team’s Cleveland cameraman, Jordan Woods, to capture exclusive interviews with experts.Go To Team Cleveland Cameraman | Rock N Roll Idols We Lost - Somethin' Else

The crew started off the day setting up their equipment in the room for an interview styled shot. Woods used a C300 to shoot the interview with the talent. With its dynamic functions and built and fast, efficient auto correcting lenses, the C300 is an ideal camera for interview styled shots. 

Go To Team Cleveland Cameraman | Rock N Roll Idols We Lost - Somethin' Else

Litepanels were positioned as key lights. A silk was placed on top to soften the light. For the fill light, the team used another litepanel with a softbox attached to it. Woods set up an Arri 150w with two double grids for the hairlight. To add some life to the background, he used another Arri 150w to add a spot behind the subject to create some dimension and aesthetic. 

Thank you Somethin’ Else for selecting our video camera crews to cover this story. We look forward to working with you on your next project! Rock on!