
Obama Town Hall Event Brings Baker Crew Back to the Tri-Cities

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The View from the "Cuts" Riser
The View from the "Cuts" Riser

Go To Team’s Charlotte based Dave Baker made the trip to Bristol, VA to provide coverage for ABC’s Coverage of President Obama’s visit.  President Obama held a “Town Hall Event” at a local Kroger Grocery store with select employees to discuss his thoughts on Federal Healthcare reform.  The generally quiet town (home to Dave Baker’s Alma Mater, King College) was visibly polarized by the Presidential Visit, with protestors of numerous policies, plans, and perceptions of the New Administration lining the streets and surrounding the event site.  Once inside however, the event went smoothly, with a short speech by President Obama followed by a question and answer session between the Kroger Employees and The President.  The Baker Crew covered the event on Sony’s trusty Beta D600 from the Cuts Riser and after catching the President sampling the fruit selection from the Kroger Produce Dept., returned to Charlotte to await their next adventure.

President Barack Obama samples a peach
President Barack Obama samples a peach

Click here to view coverage of the event!