
Texas Crews Learn The “Texas Two Step” With Dr. Oz

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Texas Two Step with Dr. Oz

Dallas DP, Nate Galluppi, and I (Roger Woodruff) met up in Houston recently for a Dr. Oz shoot.  The day-time TV doctor and real life surgeon was in Texas to spread the word on a life-saving method known as the “Texas Two Step.”  While it may sound like I’m talking about a common dance move, it’s actually a CPR method.

Most people think CPR involves the mouth, but recent studies have found mouth to mouth does not work.  The “Texas Two Step” consists of directing someone to call 911 and doing chest compressions until an ambulance arrives.  We covered two events with the super solid Sony F900 XDCam.

Dr. Oz Texas Two Step
Photo credit: The Dr. Oz Show

Nate and I were both rocking F900s with an Odyssey 7Qplus attached.  While we did record to XDCam discs for the edit, our producer had us record a proxy file on the Odyssey.  He used this second recording to start doing a rough edit while traveling back to New York.  It also makes a great backup.

Our first location was a  high school that was hosting a heath fair.  The second location was Houston’s Memorial Mall.  At both locations we shot Dr. Oz interacting with the crowd, interviewing doctors, nurses, and participants, and teaching the “Texas Two Step.”  We also shot plenty of B-roll which consisted of signage and people practicing CPR.

Once we finished shooting we proceeded to copy over all the footage to our producer’s hard drive.  We also handed him the XDCam discs we shot on.  After a quick goodbye, our producer rushed out the door to make a flight.  It was a smooth shoot and hell, we learned CPR in the process!