
DC Crew Filmed LiveBIG Spotlighting Penn State Student

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Go To Team and Team Works Media teamed up to film BTN LiveBIG Penn State! The segment we filmed spotlighted Penn State’s student Neha Gupta.

She’s accomplished more than most adults by the early age of nine. After visiting her grandparents in India, Gupta and her family toured a local orphange that made one of the biggest impacts in her life.

As Gupta befriended some of the children at the orphanage, she noticed the poor living conditions and lack of common necessities such as education.

When Gupta returned to the U.S. she founded Empower Orphans, which is a non-profit organization that looks to remove the bonds of poverty through education and healthcare.

She brought Empower Orphans with her to Penn State. In 2014 she won the International Children’s Peace Prize.

Gupta is a sophomore pre-med student at Penn State’s Schreyer Honors College.

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Gupta at her first donations!