
Nashville Crew Shoots for America’s Most Wanted in Darden, TN

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I headed west to Darden, TN to spend the day with the Bobo’s.  It was about a year ago that their daughter, Holly Bobo, was kidnapped.  While I do love shooting for America’s Most Wanted, the subject matter can be difficult at times.

I was shooting on the HDX 900.  We started the day by interviewing Holly’s mom, brother, and their pastor.  Afterwards we did some walk and talks.  We then shot b-roll of the backyard and nearby woods area where it is said she was seen entering with an unknown man.  The day ended with shooting a bunch of photographs of Holly.

Probably the most amazing thing about the shoot had nothing to do with fancy video equipment or making the producer happy.  Instead, it was how the Bobo’s welcomed us into their home and helped us get every shot that was needed.  I sincerely hope that this AMW piece helps find their daughter.