
Clark Crew Shoots ESPN E:60

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Skip Clark was over in Chapel Hill, NC, last week shooting a story about Jason Ray for E:60, a new sports documentary program airing on ESPN. Go To Team DPs shoot stories about all kinds of people; sometimes they are politicos campaigning to be President, sometimes they are businessmen with the next big thing, sometimes they are sports heroes, and sometimes they are simply heroes. You might not have heard about Jason, but Jason Ray was a hero. While attending the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, he played the part of Rameses, the Tar Heel’s mascot. But the story really isn’t about that. It’s about organ donation. Jason died from injuries in an accident while in New Jersey for North Carolina’s appearance in the NCAA Regionals last March. His decision to be an organ donor saved the lives of over 50 people.

Clark took a lot from the interviews, “We were in Chapel Hill for just a day, but in that short time we learned so much about Jason. Who he was, what made him special, and what made him a hero.” Learn more about Jason tonight on ESPN. ESPN’s E:60 premieres October 16th at 7:00pm and then re-airs October 17th on ESPN2 at 7:00pm.