
Go To Team Dallas Crew | MLB – Scotts Refurbish Field

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Take me out to the ball game! Take me out with the crowd! Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks…but seriously, they are our favorite. Especially if they are boiled and salted!

And thanks to MLB and Scotts’ Field Refurbishment grant, selected cities across the United States can finally get their peanuts and crackerjacks. Scotts teamed up with MLB to help communities across the country refurbish their baseball and softball fields. 

Go To Team Texas Crew | MLB - Scotts Refurbish Field

On August 13th, Wewoka, Oklahoma, one of the Scotts Field Refurbishment Grant recipients, welcomed MLB and Scotts to their Lion’s Field by hosting a ceremony to honor their brand new playing field. The MLB Network selected Go To Team’s Dallas DP Nate Gilluppi’s Apprentice, Jordan Woods, to cover the event.

MLB and Scotts began the Scotts Field Refurbishment Grant before the 2016 championship. This grant allows communities of need to have access to a playable field, encouraging kids to participate in the sport. 

The ceremony featured locals gathering around a stage, awaiting their brand new playing field. After the ribbon cutting ceremony, kids from the area embarked on pick-up matches in this new playing zone for the Wewoka community. 

Woods positioned the Sony F5 camera behind the crowd and facing the stage. He filmed the ceremony on sticks and then captured b-roll of the ribbon cutting ceremony handheld. He also snapped some shots of kids playing on the baseball field. 

Go To Team Texas Crew | MLB - Scotts Refurbish Field

Thank you MLB Network for selecting the Go To Team to cover this story. We look forward to working with you on your next project!