
Go To Team Atlanta Crew | Women Presidents’ Organization

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One in five firms in the United States with a revenue of $1 million or more is owned by women. With organizations like this, that percentage is rising.

Atlanta Crew | Women Presidents Organization

Prudential worked with Go To Team’s Atlanta cameraman, Nate Silverman, to capture the annual WPO (Women Presidents’ Organization) in Charlotte. The WPO is a non-profit membership organization for female presidents, CEOs, and managing directors of privately-held, multimillion-dollar companies.

Atlanta Crew | Women Presidents Organization

Prudential’s President of Individual Life Insurance, Salene Hitchcock-Gear, had the honor of being the keynote speaker at the conference and several other Prudential members were in attendance leading focus groups and discussing business strategies involving life insurance.

Our camera team used a Sony F55 and A7s2 to capture the event and its numerous attendees, mainly lit using on-camera lights, as most of the time our team was moving around to capture all of the activity.

Atlanta Crew | Women Presidents Organization

Thank you to Prudential and WPO for working with us to capture such an important organization’s yearly event and we look forward to working with them in the future!