
Texas Crew Sits Down with John Legend for E! News

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I teamed up with E! News again for some more South by Southwest coverage in Austin, TX. Our assignment today was quite simple.  We just had one interview with Grammy award winner, John Legend.

Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 1.33.30 PM
Screen grab from our interview with John Legend.

The interview was shot on the Sony F800 XDCam with an Odyssey 7Q attached. We got to the location a little earlier to begin prep lights for the interview.  I knew we were going to be in a small “green room” type space so I brought two Lite Panel floods and one Lite Panel spot.  

Once we were in the room, John Legend was already there hanging out so we had about five minutes to set up. I used the floods for a key and back light/greaser.  The spot was pointed at the background.  There were not a lot of options for the background so I went with a grayish colored wall that had some weird white frames mounted to it.

It wasn’t long before we started rolling. The whole interview took about fifteen minutes.  After we packed up I headed over to PACSAT International on Congress St. to feed the footage directly to E! News.  This day was as easy as it gets.