
Miami Crew tracks a tropical storm with The Weather Channel

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20140630_231110 20140701_052739 20140701_053345 20140701_053454 20140701_065040 20140701_181414This shoot was an early one getting to the boardwalk in Myrtle Beach, SC  way before sunrise!  We did live shots with The Weather Channel’s Raegan Medgie on the boardwalk for most of the day and where able to get mostly 90% of the B-Roll the day before on this two day shoot!  The tricky part of shooting this early was battling the sunrise!  The lighting was constantly changing and we needed to be moving the HMIs pretty frequently and adjusting for exposure.  We also used Litepanels for more of a fill light in some places.  Shooting on the beach is always fun for me and I was even able to get in a selfie with Raegan, which by the way was awesome to work with!