
Miami Crew covers Media Day for the Miami Heat

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1491645_10152328355321828_8091849465362568421_nSince launching the Miami/Florida Market for Go To Team I have been all over the state and Midwest covering some exciting shoots but I hadn’t shot anything in Miami until this day!   It was Media Day at the American Airlines Arena.  You put Media Day with the Miami Heat coupled with Disney on Ice at the same venue, well that just calls for a recipe of traffic fun.  I anticipated that getting into the stadium would be a nightmare and much to my surprise it was fairly smooth.  The call time was 10:00am and as usual I got there early. I loaded up my cart with gear ready to get to my location when security stops me. Then has me go around in a circle pushing my heavy cart because the Media Entrance was being blocked by Disney on Ice!  I bumped into my sound guy and we met up with the producer who was able to steer us in the right direction. When then begin to set up for an interview with the Head Coach of the Miami Heat, Erik Spoelstra!


The interview was short and sweet.  What stuck out about Coach Spoelstra’s interview was when he spoke about the love that the Filipino people have for the game of basketball.  It’s there number one pass time!

He would go on to talk about how everyone plays basketball there on every level young and old alike.  The interview was shot on a Sony F55 which has quickly become one of my favorite cameras to shoot on for it’s user friendly operation.  The look  I wanted to achieve was a natural one so I chose to go with daylight bulbs in my Kino Diva’s.  I also wanted to the background to go out of focus so I needed a shallow depth of field with I achieved with my canon 70-200mm lens and  seated the subject as far from the background and the camera as I could with out having the producer shouting the questions to him nor having the producer’s head in my shot.  I wanted to keep Coach’s eye line toward the camera so it was important to have the producer close to me.
