I recently headed over to Ft. Worth, Texas covering an inspiring story for ESPN. Former world boxing champion Paulie Ayala teaches a class there called Punching out Parkinson’s. It helps people diagnosed re-gain coordination and movement by mixing boxing techniques with other aerobic activities. It was a joy to see how much this class positively impacts participants!
I rolled off b-roll and interviews using my Sony F3, Nikon prime lenses and PIX 240, with a Canon 5D Mark III b-cam. I even snuck in some slow motion shots on my MYT Works slider, adding a cool cinematic effect to the story!
As Directors of Photography, it’s shoots like this that make our job special; telling a story that can touch and inspire others. While there is no cure, hopefully others with this disease will see how much it can improve quality of life and prognosis. Paulie has a vision of starting classes not only in Ft. Worth, but all across the country.