Normally, these posts begin with your ambiguous traveling tag line, “I packed up my *insert expensive piece of equipment* and hit the road to *insert exotic location*”. Well, I’ve been everywhere, man…on the east coast. Or at least it feels like it. Boston to Orlando and everything in between. The past 3 months, GTTDC has been racking up the mileage and scoring great shoots with clients both new and old. Like that time I shot for ESPN, and swam with 13 time Olympic Gold Medalist, Michael Phelps.
Do you remember your first hurricane? I sure do. Hurricane Arthur packed a mighty punch when it made landfall 4th of July weekend in the OBX, and I was there waiting to greet it. Ground zero for The Weather Channel.
Traveled to Boston and Orlando for some WWE action. The culture behind the scenes is out of this world. No pictures allowed #mediablackout.
Once back in DC my old friends from the BTN and Teamworks booked me for shoots at the University of Maryland and Rutgers University. It was great to work with them again after moving from Chicago, Big Ten Headquarters. They continue to be great clients of ours out there and now here on the east coast!
It’s been a busy summer but that’s the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it.