
Chicago Video Crew spends the day in Madison for CBS Gamechangers

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As Autumn fast approaches, Go To Team Chicago is in full swing traveling throughout the Midwest covering all sorts of sporting events. Today we were in Madison, Wisconsin to shoot a basketball camp run by Wesley Matthews of the Portland Trailblazers. I grabbed my 5D and headed out early that morning from Chicago and made the trek north to the capital city of Madison.

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2014-08-31 13.05.05First thing on the agenda was to interview Wes in his old high school gym where he first became a basketball star, leading his team to their first ever State Championship. I sat him in the bleachers in order to get a natural look, as if he was just hanging out and talking about the good old days. I rigged up my Diva 400 as a key and rested a LitePanel among the bleachers to give him some fill. I threw the 70-200 lens on my 5D to get the maximum depth and we were ready to roll.


Once the interview was over we grabbed a bunch of b-roll of him coaching the campers as well as some footage of his pick-up game with the other counselors. We also interviewed his mother about his journey from high school all the way to the ranks of the NBA. We grabbed some more b-roll and signage and concluded our day trip to Madison!

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