
Nashville Crew Shoots NFL PSA With Saints Wide Receiver, Lance Moore

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A few months ago I got to shoot an NFL PSA with Titans QB, Jake Locker.  I was pumped to learn I’d be traveling down to New Orleans to shoot another one.  This time I’d be working with Saints Wide Receiver, Lance Moore.  Armed with a Sony F3 I headed down to the “Big Easy.”

Here is the close up shot of Lance Moore. We went with a flat cinestyle picture profile that is meant to be tweaked in post.

Once I got to the Saints practice facility I had about two hours to set up.  The shoot consisted of three shots in one location.  The first two shots involved a doorway dolly and a teleprompter.  I used one Kobold 400w HMI to give Lance a little bit of punch.  We first started with a close up shot of Lance Moore.  I used a 75mm Cooke Panchro prime lens.  He read some lines from the teleprompter while the dolly move happened.  Afterwards I changed lenses, this time using a 50mm prime to get a waist up shot.  Once again he read lines from the teleprompter.

For the last shot we locked off the dolly and framed up a traditional interview style wide shot, still using the 50mm prime.  Our producer asked Lance some questions.  We then got some “room tone” and called it a day.  The producer copied the footage off of the Sony SXS card and I dumped the footage onto my laptop as backup.  I also had a blast shooting on the Sony F3.  It’s such a cool camera.  I wish I could have shot on this guy all day.

This is a screen grab from the interview we did with Lance using the Cooke 50mm prime.