
Saddle Up, for a shoot that makes a difference in Children’s Lives

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Go To Team strives to become a part of every community they’re based in.  With Nashville being our newest market we thought donating a full day of shooting to ten local charity organizations would be a great way to give back.  Our first charity shoot was with Saddle Up.  Saddle Up is an organization that gives mentally disabled children the opportunity to learn how to ride horses. 

I spent the day at their ranch out in Franklin, TN.  I filmed kids riding horse, getting lessons on how to lasso, and the everyday operations of Saddle Up.  I also shot a number of interviews with parents and members of Saddle Up.  The HDX-900 was the camera of choice for the shoot.  I was also using the Nano Flash which allowed me to easily dump the footage onto a hard drive via the Nexto.  The shoot went great and I’m looking forward to our next charity shoot.