
Nashville Crew heads to the land of Liberty and Cheese Steak!

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Road Trip!  I recently headed to Philadelphia, PA for a shoot with Bimbo Bakeries USA.  BBU is in the process of acquiring another brand and wanted to create a video for their current and future employees.  Enter Go To Team.  Prior to the shoot I flew up to Philly to meet with the producers and discuss everything from the theme of the video to technical specs.  In the end they decided to shoot the video on two Panasonic Varicams.  I hooked a Nano Flash up to one of the cameras to make the digitizing process a bit easier.  We used two cameras so that they could easily make cuts since they wouldn’t be using a lot of b-roll.

The set up went very smoothly.  The first camera was a wide shot.  The second camera was a close up.  We were shooting in a big conference room so we had plenty of space.  We didn’t change our location at all.  Instead, we changed out the background between each interview.  The biggest challenge was creating a different look for each background with the limited amount of product, posters, banners, and shelving we had.

Halfway through the first day I was thrown a curve ball.  If you know me, you know I like a good challenge.  While eating lunch, the producer looks up from her sandwich and asks me if she’s crazy for asking me if I can get her a green screen.  I smile and say, “nope.”  I called my local audio guy who had gone out for lunch and asked if there are any rental houses in the area.  He gave one of them a call.  By the time lunch was over I had a green screen on it’s way to our shoot location.  I love happy endings.  In the end we did a total of nine interviews in two days.  What’s the best part about working for a bakery company?  Well, at the end of the day you walk away with a lot of bread, bagels, and donuts.