
Nashville Crew heads to Alabama for Fox News

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Roggg Woodruff with Fox News correspondent, Jonathan Serrie.

It wasn’t long after the tornados hit Alabama that I got the call from Fox News to head down to Birmingham.  I spent the first day shooting b-roll in Cordova, which is located thirty minutes northwest of Birmingham.  Armed with a Sony F-800 I filmed the destruction left by the tornado.

There’s no doubt that I love being a cameraman but it was extremely hard to be filming people checking out what’s left of their home.  I spent the next two days in Concord, AL doing live hits for Fox News and their affiliates with correspondent, Jonathan Serrie.  I’ve seen what a tornado can do before but never with my own eyes.

There’s really no other way to describe the scene other than tragic.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the family’s in Alabama that are now trying to pick up the pieces.