
Nashville Crew Has a Monster of a Day…Three Clients, Two Shoots, One Day

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It was suppose to be a like any other day.  I was booked to shoot for a Corporate Client in Fayetteville, NC but unfortunately it was cancelled at the last minute.  Before I knew it I was booked on a “My First Sale” shoot in Charlotte.  We had an afternoon call time so my audio guy and I decide to grab some breakfast at Bob Evans.  Just as our food was being put on the table I got a call from NASCAR seeing if we could rush over to Charlotte Motor Speedway.

It turned out that Governor Bev Perdue was about to sign a bill making stock car racing the official sport of North Carolina.  We paid the bill in a hurry and rushed to the track.  It’s possible that I violated a few traffic laws in the process but we got there just in time.   Legends like Bobby Alison and Ned Jarret were there to watch the bill get signed.  Once we got what NMG needed we hurried downtown to hand off the tape.

Next stop, “My First Sale.”  This shoot started with filming some scenics of Charlotte.  We then traveled up to Mooresville to shoot some interviews with a couple that had recently moved into their dream home.  With interviews and b-roll of the couple having a water fight in the can we headed home.  What started out as a simple day turned into a non-stop shooting adventure.  I guess they call this a triple dip.  That works for me!