
Nashville Crew Ads POV Cams To its Gear Arsenal

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I love what I do for many reasons.  One of those reasons is getting new gear to work with.  Recently I was sent a few Contour HD POV cameras.  Like the Go Pros these cameras kick serious butt.  The versatility of these cameras is quite incredible.  It’s easy to attach these to pretty much anything and in the process you walk away with footage that you wouldn’t get from a normal camera.

I attached the Contour to my bicycle and went for a ride.  I experimented with different settings and captured some pretty cool footage.  Later that day I mounted the Contour to the hood of my truck and drove around Nashville.  The best part about the Contour is that it has Bluetooth connectivity meaning that I can see what I’m shooting via my Iphone.  All I had to do was download an App.  Yes, there’s an app for that.