I just returned from a quick trip to our Orlando office on Universal Studios Back lot. We have 4 offices there. I could tell you about how in 72 hours we moved lead HD Editor Giovanni Sensat from AVID to Final Cut Pro HD and rebuilt his entire suite with all new software, hardware, furniture and monitors. I could also tell you how we re-worked editor Christina Klimis’ suite with new furniture making clients more comfortable and our post production seamless by connecting the two edit suites together. I could also tell you about how we cleaned out DP Dan Beckmann and cameraman Dan Lowrey’s equipment room or how Dan Lowrey and I visited 4 clients and vendors in Miami in a day an made it back for a late dinner with producer Susan Stauffer from Verocity. The last thing I could tell you about is my meetings with clients in Orlando. But I’m a TV guy who doesn’t bury the lead and likes cool pictures.
So instead I’ll tell you about how a great client like Universal Studios Orlando put together The Wizarding World of Harry Potter or WWOHP as we refer to it. One of the perks of having offices on property is I get an ID badge. One of the perks of having Universal as a client is the personal tour we got of the WWOHP attraction from my business partner and friend, Dan Beckmann.
Dan shot it all. He knows the stories because he covered them. In twenty minutes we walked in the employee side entrance to the attraction, down the street, purchased some Potter merchandise for the kids and heard all about it.
The fun for us is figuring out how the park uses technology to entertain the patrons and the business of the attraction. Another perk is getting 35% off in the gift shop, which I tell you after ringing up one box of Jelly Beans, a chocolate Frog and a 6 pack of Pumpkin Juice comes in handy. By the way, if you visit and make a purchase they’ll give you as many printed bags as you’d like for free and no you can’t buy bottled Butter Beer.