
Raleigh Crew Covers Tribute to UVA Women’s Lacrosse Player

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ESPN Live Shot

A week after the tragic death of University of Virginia Women’s Lacrosse player, Yeardley Love, the women’s lacrosse team returned to the field for the first round of the NCAA Division 1 playoffs against Towson University. With the blessing of the Love family, nearly everything about the game seemed to honor Love’s memory during warm-ups: the Cavaliers wore T-shirts that read “One Team. One Heart. One Love.” On their jerseys, they wore black patches with Love’s name embroidered in white.

ESPN broadcast the game live without commercial interruption with the help of Go To Team’s Raleigh crew, who helped bridge quarters with memorial elements to honor Love.

The game had one of the largest attendance in the history of the school for women’s lacrosse. UVA defeated Towson to move on to the second round against University of North Carolina.

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One week later, ESPN and Go To Team’s Jimmy Hall reunited for the UVA vs. UNC women’s lacrosse quarterfinals.  The grieving UVA team fell to UNC 17-7.

camera man on field
Go To Team capturing b-roll