
Orlando Video Crew moves to baseball and covers Spring Training with FOX Sports

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Orlando based crew Dan Lowrey and audio operator Mike Rothwell hit up all the Florida hot spots for Spring Training with FOX Sports. Starting in Port St. Lucie, with New York Mets superstar David Wright, the interviews allowed the players to show off thier “fun” side, with questions like, “What reality show would you most like be on?” or, “Which teammate would you want with you on a deserted island?”

The players also talked about how they stayed busy during the offseason.

Lowrey also covered the Boston Red Sox in Fort Myers, and the Phillies in Clearwater, Florida.  Superstars Ryan Howard, David Ortiz, and Dustin Pedroia all shared some laughs with the FOX crew.

Be sure to watch all the FOX Sports coverage of the 2010 baseball season.