
Happy Holidays… Thank You for A Terrific Year of Shoots

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Go To Team Camera Crews Ginger Bread House
From Our Home to Yours

We take this week to say Thank You to our clients and friends that made 2010 so much fun. Go To Team wishes everyone a Happy Holidays. With crews spread across the US in Atlanta, Charlotte, Charleston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Orlando, and  Raleigh; We don’t get to have the traditional office Christmas party. Instead we get to see each other in randoms spots, on news stories, or sporting events. But, it’s always fun to get together with our Go To Team family.

Directors of Photography Reunion
Several of our crews got together on a recent news story in Raleigh, NC

We also have a special message to our troops in Qatar that our crews got to spend Thanksgiving with, “Thank You for the sacrifices you make protecting our country”.

We look forward to the great TV of 2011!