
Using Green Screen for a “Green” Resort in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for Santee Cooper

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Green Screen in Myrtle Beach
Baker and one of the Owners of a Green Building Supply company

Charleston based Dave Baker and soundman Carl Mullins shot up to Myrtle beach to facilitate production of Santee Cooper’s “Energy Rock Stars” promotional DVD.   The producer, talent, and crew certainly made a rock star worthy “extreme Makeover” of the five locations they built the 12×12 green screen in,  varying from  lumber warehouses to hotel suites.   The screen was lit by the standard GTT issue Arri light kit. The “Rock Stars” were illuminated by Kino Flow Divas, and clients were able to see the beautiful HD images generated by one of GTT’s Panasonic HDX900’s from across the room on a 17 inch Panasonic HD monitor.  The Baker crew is currently back in the studio and looking forward to touring in your area.