
Santee Cooper showing off Energy Rockstars through Corporate Video Production

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Charleston based Dave Baker traveled to Myrtle Beach to document some of Santee Cooper’s Energy Rockstars. These Rockstars were picked for a promotional DVD to display the ways they go green. Five businesses from Myrtle Beach were featured and displayed the ways they are energy efficient and “Reduce the Use of Electricity. After 3 days of filming, the footage was sent down to Orlando for post production in Orlando.

Orlando Editor Christina Klimis and Producer, Jennifer Foster, teamed up to create five individual videos featuring these businesses. From concept to completion, Klimis and Foster were involved in creating a look that would correlate with Santee Cooper branding and also give a fresh first look to these Rockstars.

With her newly rennovated Final Cut Pro suite, Klimis and Foster were able to spend numerous hours comfortably in the edit to meet the quick turn around time for outputs. To put the final touches on the video our Orlando Digital Artist, Giovanni Sensat, polished off the pieces with the use of Adobe After Effects for graphics. The videos will be distributed as a promotional piece for Santee Cooper.

CFL bulbs save businesses thousands of dollars on their electric bill