
From Cape Canaveral, Florida – Go To Team has liftoff!

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Go To Team’s Orlando DP and ENG crew, Dan Beckmann, covered the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery’s nighttime lift off at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, for the Today Show and NBC News Specials.
For the past 7 years, Dan has been the cameraman for NBC’s Space Correspondent, Screenplay writer and author, Jay Barbree. Jay’s 50 years at NBC News has allowed him an unprecedented accomplishment; the only journalist to have covered every manned space mission in NASA’s history.
Both NBC News and NASA, recently honored Jay for his half-century of reporting on the space program.
Honored guests in attendance were astronauts John Glenn, “Moonwalkers” Edgar Mitchell, and Neil Armstrong.

As well as NBC News journalists, Kerry Sanders, Lester Holt, Tom Costello, and NBC’s space crew; producer Dan Shepherd and cameraman Dan Beckmann. To view the high definition video clip of the liftoff click here.

Jay Barbree “calling the launch” of the Space Shuttle Discovery for NBC News!


Go To Team Executive Producer Sue Stauffer, Neil Armstrong, Jay Barbree and Dan Beckmann