
Clark Crew Covers The MLB Post Season – Day Seven

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CIMG1470Mixed media.  That’s what it’s been about on the MLB post season!  Skip Clark and Dan Lowrey, have been following the American League Championship Series for Fox Sports since last week and they’ve had their hands full with formats!  The primary camera for the shoot is Skip’s Panasonic Varicam and he’s been shooting billboard shots and scenics with it nearly every day.  Fox is also using the Varicam for highlights shots throughout the best-of-seven series.  Following right behind the Varicam is one of Go To Team’s HVX-200 cameras.  Dan has been busy using the P2 camera equipped with a super-wide stadium style lens to shoot huge perspective shots of Yankee and Angels Stadiums.  He’s also been taking the camera around the stadiums and shooting some specialty shots with signs that Fox had made up for each game.  There will be a lot more about that in another blog soon!  And then there’s Skip’s little film camera.  The Nikon Super 8 camera that was a huge hit during this year’s NASCAR season has been busy the first four games as Skip has been shooting iconic baseball moments that will be used later on during the World Series.  And finally, Skip has been using a Nikon digital SLR to shoot players, specialty shots, and some time lapses around New York and Anaheim.  All the details on the SLR set-up will come later as well!  In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned in to Fox to see Game Five this Thursday.  The Yankees lead the series 3-1 with their win over the Angels Tuesday night.
