
On The Road To The BCS

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Fox Sports is busy getting ready for the BCS, and that means Go To Team is busy and on the road.  Being in the Southeast (we have the ACC, the SEC, and the Big East conferences), Go To Team is always there helping out with at least one bowl game; this year they’re working on three!  Charlotte based Skip Clark and Raleigh based Jimmy Hall (along with cameraman/soundman Rene Cusson and Skip’s new apprentice, Dan Lowrey) were just up in Blacksburg, VA, at VA Tech interviewing players and Coach Beamer.  They had three sets up in the President’s Club of the football stadium and then they took Quarterback Tyrod Taylor down to the historic tunnel (pictured) that brings the team out to the field every game.  Skip and Rene are now on the road in Florida with the Florida Gators.  Be sure to check in later this week to see what’s next!